Monday, August 16, 2010

Thanks for Your Support!

Nearly 200 Mt Pleasant residents gathered in the new found shade of a temporary park on the old Water Treatment site in Mt Pleasant on Sunday the 15th August.

Speakers discussed the important issue of poor access to usable public open space for young children and older residents unable to walk 700m to the nearest park. Mt Pleasant has less than 5% public open space compared to the Melville average of 18%.  Local Residents overwhelmingly agreed, that the purchase of this land by The City of Melville, is a once in a lifetime opportunity for our community and is too important to pass by. Residents showed their support by signing a Petition to The City of Melville and were also encouraged to contact the City of Melville's Elected Members directly, to voice their concerns.   

The importance of public open space for local community use was described as the one area of complete agreement for the political rivals for Dr Dennis Jensen's Seat of Tangney.

Both the Greens Candidate Pete Best and the Labor contender David Doepel warmly endorsed Dr Jensens’ call for access to public open space where kids can kick a footy and play.

‘Sunday in the Park with Balls’ looks like becoming a regular event for the 40 or more children of the area who now have somewhere off the streets to play. Families and neighbours often meeting for the first time, intend to make good use of the area until the City of Melville approves the sale of the land for 4 more large houses.

As local resident Murray Meaton said, “The benefits of a park for the community may outweigh the addition of only 4 houses to the City of Melville rate revenues.”

Thank you again for all for your support and we look forward to meeting regularly each Sunday afternoon at 2.00pm at our park.

Have Your Say Now!

Want to sign our Petition? 
Great. Call Rhonda Kerr 9364 5982 and we will arrange for your support to be included.

Who is my Local Elected Member and how do I contact them?
Full details of your local members can be found at Elected Members of The City of Melville

How do I contact The City of Melville online, to show my support for increasing public open space in Mt Pleasant? 
For the first time Melville Council is using an online forum to make getting involved easier for residents.

Over the next three months, this forum will listen to your thoughts and views about our community to help the council create a Cultural Vitality Plan. Online Council Forum

or better still......get your kids involved and enter the Photo-voice project.Melville City Council - Photo Voice Project

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